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Aid Award Information

Your award notification is for both fall and spring semesters. 对于注册夏季学期的学生,将处理夏季奖励通知. 在秋季和春季学期不使用的援助通常在夏季学期可用.

How Financial Aid Eligibility is Determined

为了确定你的经济援助资格,我们必须首先确定你的需求. 经济需求是通过从入学成本(COA)中减去预期家庭贡献(EFC)来确定的。. The EFC comes from the information you provided on the FAFSA. 联邦处理器在需求分析公式中使用FAFSA信息来确定您的EFC.


Description Estimated Cost
Tuition and Fees: $5,920
Books and Supplies: 2,000
Personal: 3,300
Transportation: 2,750
Room and Board: 8,728
Total: $22,698

你的需要金额决定了你有资格获得的基于需要的援助金额. 基于需求的援助包括助学金、勤工俭学和联邦补贴贷款.


The amount of assistance you receive from all sources, including private scholarships, cannot exceed the COA. Therefore, 如果您收到了我们在处理您的申请时不知道的额外帮助, you may be overawarded. 如果发生这种情况,那么我们可能不得不减少,取消或收回您的一些援助. 可能影响您资格的额外援助包括:

  • Scholarships
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Services assistance
  • Minnesota GI Bill®
  • State Tuition Assistance (Military)
  • Federal Tuition Assistance (Military)
  • Tuition Waiver

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government Web site at

Disbursement of Aid

援助支付不早于学期的第15天开始,之后每周支付一次. When financial aid is disbursed, 它首先应用于你的学费余额,然后如果还有任何援助剩余, 将通过直接存款或邮寄纸质支票的方式寄给您(根据学校规定,不能领取支票)。. 经济援助在学期的第三周开始时应用于你的学费余额,任何多余的部分将在同一周的周五以直接存款或支票的方式支付.

  • Direct deposit signup is available to students through e-Services. 这意味着学生不必提交直接存款注册表格, voided check, or bank letter to set up direct deposit. 学生可随时透过电子服务设置及维护其直接存款资料.
  • 请注意,直接存款只适用于支票帐户和储蓄帐户, you cannot use direct deposit with a pre-loaded debit card.
  • 对于学生,直接存款信息的链接可以通过“财政援助”菜单获得. Simply log in to e-Services using your Star ID and password, 点击“财政援助”链接,找到“直接存款设置”链接.
  • For student workers, 该链接可通过电子服务中的“财政援助”或“学生就业”链接获得, 使用你的Star ID和密码登录,点击“经济援助”或“学生就业”链接,找到“直接存款设置”链接.

赠款和贷款同时发放,但有一个例外. 首次贷款的借款人将延迟30天发放贷款.

If the loan period is for one term (fall or spring or summer), 这笔贷款的支付将分成两笔相等的支付. For example, 秋季学期的贷款将在学期开始时(9月)发放,另一半将在学期中期(10月)发放。.

If the loan period is for two terms, 贷款的支付也将分成两笔相等的支付. 上半年为秋季学期(9月),下半年为春季学期(1月)。.

If your first course begins after the 10th day of the term, 你的助学金发放可能会延迟到课程开始日期后大约三周.


Please see Financial Aid Disbursements & Billing for more information.

Attendance Requirement

收到经济援助要求你参加你的课程. 如果你从未开始参加一门课程,你将没有资格获得该课程的资助. 如果你停止参加一门课程,你可能没有资格获得所有授予和/或支付给你的援助. If it is reported that you did not attend a course, or stopped attending a course, 你的援助资格将被审查和调整,如果需要的话, and you will be responsible for any balance due to the college. If you feel the last date of attendance, or no attendance, was reported incorrectly, you must resolve the issue with the instructor of that course.

Withdrawing From Courses

If you withdraw from some or all of your courses, Hennepin Tech可能需要将您的全部或部分援助返还给相应的援助计划. This may result in you owing the college. 退学将出现在你的成绩单上,并计入令人满意的学业进展评估.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

满足满意的学术进步(SAP)标准是所有财政援助接受者的要求. 如果你没有达到SAP的标准,你就没有资格获得额外的经济援助.

有关出勤,退学和学业进展的更多信息,请参见 Financial Aid Policies & Procedures.

Repeating Courses

学生一般有资格获得资助,只要重修一门课程,就可以通过该课程. Once a course has been passed, 学生有一次额外的尝试来提高成绩,然后该课程不再有资格获得资助.

Types of Aid

Types of aid disbursed at Hennepin Tech include:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Minnesota State Grant
  • Minnesota Child Care Grant
  • Minnesota G.I. Bill
  • Minnesota Indian Scholarship
  • Alliss Grant
  • Federal Direct Loans
  • Federal Work Study
  • Minnesota State Work Study

For more information about the types of aid, please go to Types of Aid.


  • 补助金不需要偿还(如果你参加并完成了课程).
  • A loan does need to be paid back, with interest. Borrow only what you need.
  • The awards are based on your credit level. If your credit level changes, your awards may change.
  • You must be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress 在任何时候都有资格获得提供给你的奖项.
  • 如果你从未参加过一门课程或停止参加一门课程,你就不能获得授予你的资助. Your aid may be reduced and you will owe the college.
  • 援助的发放是基于你将参加并完成你的课程的理解.

Contact our office if:

  • You are not planning on attending courses at Hennepin Tech.
  • You are not attending courses at Hennepin Tech.
  • You want to withdraw from all of your courses.