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History of Hennepin Tech

Nothing is more important to us than the future. 亨内平技术学院的使命一直是专注于学生和我们社区的转型和进步. Over the years, Hennepin Tech’s course offerings and degree programs have evolved, adapted, and changed to reflect the needs of employers and of today’s students. Hennepin Tech will continue keeping its eye on the future, and will continue our history of innovation for many years to come.

Dr. Richard Emery sits at a desk.
记住,我们才刚刚开始,一切都是用软混凝土浇铸的,可以随时改变. And if it's better for students, we'll do it.
Dr. Richard Emery
District 287 Superintendent
A Hennepin Technical College Founder


立法通过,使亨内平县郊区所有独立学区(287独立学区)之间形成职业技术教育合作结构成为可能。. 这使得郊区有能力通过税收和征费来筹集资金.

It’s a challenge to develop ISD 287. 有十几个地区参与其中,每个地区派出两名学校董事会成员.


Construction begins on the campuses in Eden Prairie and Brooklyn Park. The district initially owns a third piece of land, but later sold it. School officials cause controversy by adding a student cafeteria for student lunches. This was considered cost-prohibitive, but the school officials felt it would better serve their incoming students. It was a popular decision with students.

Ground breaking on campus
Ground breaking on campus

As the buildings near completion, the immense task of staffing begins. Organizers rented trailers near the district offices for job interviews. 为了寻找新的教师,组织者向行业和劳工组织寻求帮助. The plan is to hire 500 teachers.


郊区亨内平县地区职业技术中心在秋季正式开设了两个校区. Over 1,000 students are enrolled in 45 different programs in the first year.

1972 logo


Enrollment rises to nearly 5,000.

A group of students gather outside
A group of students gather outside.


As computers become more prominent in businesses, the school adds a section of Data Processing Careers at both campuses. Sheet Metal also debuted this same year, along with new sections of Agriculture Business, Banking Occupations, and Plastics Technology.



A new logo for Hennepin Technical Centers
A new logo for Hennepin Technical Centers


Word processing added to the office occupations training program.




伊甸草原的幼儿儿童发展中心增加了一台Apple II电脑.

Hennepin科技公司推出了职业培训项目,旨在为45岁及以上的人增加就业机会. This is not an issue for 81-year-old Hennepin Tech instructor Mike Fadell, who signed up for a class in 1973. His motto: “Work out, don’t rust out.”


Eden Prairie’s retail management students open a gift store called Impressions, giving them hands-on training on operating a retail store. Hennepin Tech为有天赋和才华的高中生推出了一个导师计划,并为他们匹配他们所在领域的导师.

A new engineering technology program, laser/electro-optics, begins.


New Hennepin Tech offerings include Automated Packaging Technology, Computerized Typesetting, Bio-Medical Technician, and Computer Graphics. Other new classes include Grand Parenting classes, In-Home Child Care and an expansion of the Horse Care and Stable Operations program.

Hennepin Tech汽车培训计划因其在培训和教育方面的卓越表现而获得美国国家汽车协会颁发的奖项. An AA program in auto mechanics is introduced.


Hennepin Technical Centers changes its name to Hennepin Technical Institute.


The school changes from an hour-based system to a credit-based system. 随着时间的推移,这种变化导致学生的平均年龄增加.


食品服务专业的学生为KQRS电台20周年纪念制作了世界上最大的周年蛋糕. Carpentry students made the frame to hold the 1000-pound cake.


Hennepin Technical Institute changes its name to Hennepin Technical College.

A new outreach program for women is launched. “发现项目”为技术职业培训项目中的女性提供职业和技能评估. Evening students receive access to child care, counseling, and interpreters for the deaf and hearing impaired.




The Minnesota Legislature mandates a merger of technical colleges, community colleges and state university systems.




287中学学区和Hennepin技术成为两个不同的组织. College employees now work for the State of Minnesota. Minnesota's technical colleges, 社区学院和州立大学联合起来,形成明尼苏达州立学院和大学系统. Eventually the system will be re-named “Minnesota State.”

A new logo for Minnesota State College and University System
A new logo for Minnesota State College and University System


A new logo is created for Hennepin Technical College.

1996 new Hennepin Tech logo


Hennepin Technical College serves over 9,000 students in credit courses.


亨内平科技与大都会州立大学合作,建立了一个执法和刑事司法教育中心. 这个位于布鲁克林公园校园的最先进的新设施是双城地区及其他地区持牌警务人员的培训中心.


A new logo is created.

2011 new HTC Logo


Hennepin Tech经历了迄今为止最大的建筑改造项目,因为两个校区同时翻新.


Hennepin Tech的多元化委员会扩大了其范围,作为明尼苏达州全系统目标的一部分,以制定校园多元化计划, integrated into the college overall Student Success plan.


There are more than 9,500 students enrolled at Hennepin Tech in over 45 study areas. The largest age group enrolled is 25 to 34. The college offers 47 Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees, 3 Associate in Science (AS) degrees, 62 Diploma programs and 68 Certificate programs and has a staff of nearly 800.


制造业开发了新的方法来解决合格工人减少的问题. Private-public partnerships, apprenticeships, 奖学金和设备捐赠有助于招收新的学生进入制造业项目.


A new effort, Unstoppable Women, encourages women to enter non-traditional careers, which are defined as careers in which women are underrepresented in the workforce. With events and profiles on social media and publications, the college celebrates women in career fields such as Information Technology, Manufacturing, and Transportation.


Hennepin Tech and Robbinsdale School District 281 enter into a special charter. 这一伙伴关系为高中生追求职业和技术教育创造了途径.

该学院因其出色的投资回报而被评为GradReports最佳大学榜单:毕业生的高薪和低学生贷款债务. Hennepin Tech’s Ford ASSET is ranked first in the nation based on enrollment.

在校园里,学院在两个校区的入口处展示了新的、充满活力的户外壁画. 学生、教师和工作人员为设计提供了意见,并帮助绘制壁画.

New mural
New mural


In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic results in a worldwide shut-down. Hennepin Tech延长了春假,并迅速开始向虚拟环境的重大过渡,因为整个明尼苏达州都不允许面对面的学习. Nearly all employees work from home.

A few months after the quarantine begins, 明尼苏达州州长批准了一项计划,允许在技术学院进行有限的面对面学习. In general, 民选官员同意大学领导的观点,即学生不能只通过Zoom学习修理车辆或操作重型机械. Finally, 亨内平科技公司在与当地和州卫生官员合作制定了一项安全计划后重新开业,该计划包括戴口罩和保持社交距离. Most classes are online-only classes but some are hybrid. During the hybrid model, the class lectures occur online – and in addition, the students may come to campus and attend labs or skills training in-person.


随着大流行的第二年开始,Hennepin Tech继续采取安全预防措施. Options for students include classes that are online-only and hybrid classes. With COVID vaccines now available, Hennepin科技公司为国家和州推动疫苗接种的努力做出了贡献,并被白宫和教育部命名为COVID疫苗冠军. 该学院在校园内提供疫苗接种诊所,亨内平理工学院的学生护士在社区做志愿者.


As vaccination numbers rise, the world is returning to a greater sense of normalcy. Following guidelines from federal and state health officials, Hennepin Tech取消了在校园戴口罩的要求,许多面对面的服务和活动都是面对面举行的. After two years without commencement being held in-person, the graduation ceremony returns to the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Students at graduation 2022
Students at graduation 2022