

任何想要利用他们的 教育的好处 必须向退伍军人管理局递交申请吗. 退伍军人事务部决定领取福利的资格. 的 type of benefit you're eligible to receive determines what your pay is 和 how you get paid. 的 school does not determine eligibility for a benefit 和 school officials are not trained to give advice in which benefit is best for you.

学校的作用是向VA报告你的入学信息. 这被称为入学证明. Students receiving veterans 好处 must notify Hennepin Tech's Veterans School Certifying Official (SCO) by submitting a 退伍军人注册证明延期申请电子表格 在亨内平技术学院注册的每学期.

的 VA requires schools to report enrollment separately for each course that begins or ends more than one calendar week after the start or end of the term. 的se courses, which are shorter than the length of the term, are called nonst和ard terms.

Nonst和ard terms affect the pay you will receive because 好处 are paid from the first scheduled date of the class for the term in which you are enrolled. 出于这个原因, the enrollment level reported to the VA for your benefit amount may be less than the enrollment reported on your school transcript.

关于你的福利的具体问题, 比如哪一个最适合你, 应该转给退伍军人管理局吗.


  • 第30章蒙哥马利退伍军人法案® -现役(MGIB)
  • 第三十一章Voc康复
  • 第33章9/11后退伍军人法案-在9/11当天或之后服役
  • 第35章家属教育援助计划(DEA)
  • 第1606章蒙哥马利退伍军人法案选定预备役

退伍军人权利法》® 是美国的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站http://www.好处.va.gov / gibill.


亨内平技术学院签署了美国国防部 自愿教育伙伴关系谅解备忘录 并被批准为我们所有的学位课程处理国防部学费援助(TA). TA 好处 are available to qualifying individuals currently serving in the Armed Forces. 每个服务部门都有特定的行政长官政策和年度拨款限额. 有关助教资格的问题应直接向你的单位或教育办公室询问. 下面是一些有用的链接.


Students who use Tuition Assistance are expected to remain enrolled in the course for its entire duration. 如果使用助教的学生退学或停止上课, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of the benefit that was originally authorized. 继续遵守国防部的政策, Hennepin Tech will return any unearned TA funds through at least 60% mark of the course on a prorated bases. 的 amount of unearned TA that is returned is based on student-initiated date of withdrawl or last date of attendance noted by the instructor.


作为一个机构, we will bill the DOD after 60% of the course has passed to reduce the amount of incorrect TA funds being disbursed by the DOD to Hennepin Tech. 我们将只收取学生在入学时所获得的金额.



未赚取的助教资金将按比例返还, depending on the length of the course 和 the amount of the course the student completed.

To determine the amount of TA that needs to be returned the instituion will determine the date the withdrawl or date of last attendance, count the number of days the student completed 和 then divide that by the total number of days in the course to determine the percentage of TA that was earned by the student.

示例:学生注册了一门课程,计划持续时间为30天. 撤回是在第14天提交的. 的 institution would perm the calculation to determine how much TA was earned by the student's attendance:

14除以30等于46.6%. 47%的助教是由学生获得的, 这意味着53%的授权将返还给国防部).

如果学生完成了60%以上的课程, TA授权的全部金额被视为“赚取”,不需要退款.


大学的计分卡 is a consumer planning tool 和 resource to assist prospective students 和 their families as they evaluate options in selecting a school.

大学导航器 是一个提供学校学杂费信息的消费者工具吗, 留校率和毕业率, 财政援助的使用, 学生贷款违约率, 并设有成本计算器和学校比较工具.

财政援助采购单 is a model financial aid award letter designed to simplify the information that prospective students receive about college costs 和 financial aid so they can easily compare instititutions 和 make informed decisions about where to attend school. 为个性化的财政援助购物表, 使用StarID和密码登录esservices, 然后点击“经济援助”链接. 关于Hennepin技术学费的其他信息, 费用, 经济援助信息可以在我们的网站上找到.

支付大学学费 网站 contains a tool that can be used by prospective students to compare detailed financial information for up to three schools at a time. 该网站还包括有关金融援助和金融知识的一般信息.

If you are receiving Tuition Assistance 和 are seeking access to access services counseling, 联系 访问服务.


在线完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 建议所有学生申请经济援助, 即使退伍军人福利或其他军事基金可以支付你的学费.

  1. 申请你的联邦学生援助(FSA) ID

    每个学生(和一个家长,如果你是一个独立的学生)必须创建一个FSA ID. 这将允许您电子签署您的FAFSA, 更改地址, 查看您的申请的处理状态, 查看您的贷款历史, 还有更多. 仔细阅读网站上的所有信息. 你的FSA ID应该保存在一个安全、保密的地方. 的 FSA ID login information that you create will be used each year you apply for financial aid.

  2. 完成FAFSA

    通过完成 FAFSA, 你正在申请各种联邦和州财政援助, 包括赠款, 勤工俭学和贷款.

    Representatives in the 金融援助 Office are available to assist students with completion of the FAFSA. You'll need your federal income tax information for the appropriate year 和 FSA ID to complete the FAFSA. 申请所需的必要文件和财务清单可在 学生援助 网站.

    Note: You must be an admitted student at Hennepin Tech to receive a financial aid award notification lisitng the 奖助金, 贷款, 以及其他你有资格获得的援助.

  3. 经济援助的种类

    联邦和州财政援助计划(包括 奖助金贷款) are available for veterans to utilize in conjunction with federal veterans 好处 和 tuition reimbursement. 详细的购物单可在财政援助区域 e服务 which outlines common aid programs available to students, as well as cost of attendance information. Federal Subsidized 和 Unsubsidized Loans 和 Private Education Loans are available to all students to assist with the cost of attending college. Students have the ability to refuse all or portions of the loan amounts available to them.

  4. 其他退伍军人援助项目

    Veterans may also be eligible to receive 好处 through the Minnesota 退伍军人权利法》 program. 这是明尼苏达退伍军人事务部的一个项目. 这个项目不同于联邦退伍军人法案(蒙哥马利), 后9 - 11, 退伍军人教育援助计划, 家属教育援助计划, 或职业康复). This program awards veterans additional aid if they have remaining need after VA 好处, 联邦/州财政援助, 其他助学金/奖学金也在考虑之列. 每年收到明尼苏达退伍军人法案资金的限额是3美元,000美元,终生最高限额为10美元,000. 有关明尼苏达州退伍军人法案项目的更多信息,请访问 明尼苏达州退伍军人事务部网站.

有关财政援助资格要求的更多信息,请访问 资助网页. 记得与财务援助办公室联系有关您的资格的问题, 时间线, 或者申请过程.

Students receiving Veteran Education 好处 can also receive Title IV Federal 金融援助 和 Minnesota State 金融援助 programs with no benefit reduction.



如果你有VocRehab(第31章)的资金, see the Tuition Office at your declared major's home campus with your signed authorization (VA Form 28-1905).

如果你通过警卫或预备队获得学费援助, 您需要将您的文件提交给Hennepin Tech的第三方协调员:

布鲁克林公园,MN 55445

电话: 763-488-2517
免费: 888-569-5121


如果你在学期中被征召入伍, 你必须向现役军人出示你的命令并完成 Hennepin技术添加/删除 form. 你的注册将被取消,全额学费将被退还.


  • 将所需的表格提交给VA办公室和/或学校
  • Notify the School Certifying Official when you register each semester/term by submitting a Hennepin Tech VA Enrollment Certification eForm
  • If you make changes to your class schedule after submitting the eForm for that semester/term, 你毋须再提交电子表格
  • Stop by the Tuition Office for information regarding charging required books 和 supplies at the college Bookstore
  • Inform the School Certifying Official if you decide to change your major (submit a Hennepin Tech Change of Major eForm)
  • 每月向VA核实您的注册情况(目前豁免第33章)


亨内平科技公司 退伍军人资源中心 在每个校园为退伍军人学生使用. 请参阅退伍军人资源中心网站了解更多信息. 每个中心还在每个校区举办一个退伍军人学生组织.




如有疑问或疑虑,请发电子邮件 VeteransCo@HennepinTech.edu




