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Transfer Frequently Asked Questions

What are the transfer Guidelines?
Courses approved for transfer must be comparable in nature, content, 与学生寻求同等学分的课程至少75%的内容和目标相匹配.  技术课程必须在过去五年内完成,才能考虑转学.  (从事健康相关职业的学生应向转学专家咨询具体的转学要求.)  Transfer grades are not calculated in a student’s GPA.

明尼苏达转学课程指南将用于将转学通识教育课程分类为十个MnTC目标领域之一.  不符合任何目标领域的通识教育课程将不被授予学分.

Will my courses be considered for transfer?
Any college level course will be considered for transfer. 之前在另一所认可的学院或大学学习的转学生应该提供转学评估的成绩单. Official 必须提供非明尼苏达州州立学院或大学的成绩单. Please note that transcripts are considered official only if A) they are sent directly to Hennepin Technical College from the college/university; B) are sent directly from a transcript ordering service to Hennepin Technical College; OR C) the transcript comes from you in an envelope that was sealed and stamped by the college/university. 印章不能被打破,信封必须保持未打开的成绩单被视为正式的. Please have transcripts sent to:

Hennepin Technical College
Attn: Transfer Center
13100 College View Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55347

or sent via an online transcript ordering service to

What about college accreditation?
转学不会仅仅因为派遣机构的认证来源而被拒绝. Additional documentation may be requested.  作为课程评估过程的一部分,您将被要求提供课程大纲, course objectives and course descriptions.

与所需的亨内平技术学院(HTC)课程内容匹配的课程可以转学,并用于满足a的特定课程要求.S. degree, A.A.S. degree, diploma, and/or certificate program.

Do I need a certain grade to transfer a course? 
如果学生在发送机构的累积GPA低于2.0、D成绩的学生不接受从该学校转学. However, HTC接受成绩为“D”的学分,作为完成MnTC和/或明尼苏达州州立学院或大学授予的学位的一部分. Those credits will count toward the total needed to graduate.  但是,某些专业不允许使用成绩为“D”的转学课程作为先决条件. No F grades will be accepted in transfer.

 How many credits can I transfer? 

What response will I receive? 
当您的评估完成时,您将收到电子邮件通知.  The evaluation will be in the form of a DARS - Degree Audit 哪一项能反映你所选专业转学分的适用性.

After the initial evaluation, 如果你继续在明尼苏达州立大学学习的话, you will need to fill out an e-transcript retrieval form 顺利完成课程后提交转学中心进行评估.

What is a DARS Audit and how do I read a DARS Audit?
DARS是一份计算机生成的学位进度报告,列出了学生的大学要求,并帮助学生计划和监控毕业进度.  学生可以在线获得交互式学位审核(DARS).  Resources for understanding your Audit - Click on this link: How to read your Interactive Degree Audit. 

What about Military Transfers?
The Veterans Education Transfer System is an online application that helps past, 现在和未来的男女军人决定他们的军事训练如何在明尼苏达州立大学获得学分.  Additional Military transfer information can be found at Military Transfer.

What is Transferology?
转学是一个全国性的网络,旨在帮助你回答“我的课程会转学吗??"  You may enter coursework, exams, and/or military learning experiences, 然后发现在转学网络中有多少学校有匹配的课程可以在你转学时授予. 转学的一个特点是能够导入你在明尼苏达州立大学学习的课程,以监控你在选定学位方面的进展, 或其他明尼苏达州立大学的MnTC项目. 你也可以使用转学学,通过询问具体的项目来告知学校你对转学的兴趣, campus visits, 和/或尚未被学校评估的课程.

What if I have transcripts from a foreign country?

Foreign/International Credentials/Transcripts -
如果你在另一个国家完成了大学水平的课程,并希望你的外国成绩单审查潜在的转学分, 你必须让你的外国成绩单由以下列出的评估服务之一进行评估. Please be sure to request a course-by-course evaluation.

You must also provide course syllabi or outlines, translated to English, to have the courses considered for transfer credits. 请注意,除非提供教学大纲/大纲,否则课程不能考虑转学分. 您可能会被要求提供有关评估转学课程的目标和目的的额外详细信息.

Transcript Evaluation Services

World Education Services, Inc.              
PO Box 5087, Bowling Green Station                              
New York, NY  10274-5087                       
Phone: 212-966-6311    Fax: 212-739-6100                                    

Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc
PO Box 51407,  Milwaukee, WI  53203-3470
Phone: 414-289-3400  Fax: 414-289-3400

Global Credential Evaluators, Inc.
PO Box 9203, College Station, TX  77842-9203
Phone:  800-707-0979  Fax:  (512-388-3174
email: or

How do I appeal a transfer decision?
You have the right to a clear, 可理解的机构转学政策说明, (within this document) a fair credit review, an explanation of why courses did not transfer, 一份正式上诉程序的副本,如下所述.

If you wish to appeal a transfer decision.
Fill out the transfer appeal form. Submit the completed form to the Registration Office. 上诉被审查后,您将收到书面答复.

如果你收到了一个不满意的回复,你可以通过明尼苏达州立大学学术和学生事务高级副校长对学院的转学上诉决定提出上诉.  For more information see Procedure 3.21.1- Subpart B - System level appeal.  您可以在本页找到有关系统级申诉的详细信息

Transfer Rights and Responsibilities Policy 3.39