lady and man in recording studio at controls

Audio Production

Category: Media Communication

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Program Description

成功的甜蜜之声从这里开始,在亨内平技术学院最先进的设施中接受音频制作专家的培训. 您将从Hennepin Tech的高素质教师学习如何录制和混合音乐, narration and sound effects for music and commercial productions, video, television, film post-production, and audio-visual projects. 你将准备好在工作中生产,因为你将接受行业领导者使用的最新设备的培训. 准备掌握和复制到多种音频格式,包括新兴媒体. 了解声学和录音室设计,以及现场录音和声音设计技巧. 您将准备好成为专业制作团队的一员.

Program Information

Multi-term Registration Available!

Class Time: Day/Night
Semester: Fall Semester
Campus: Eden Prairie

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Skills Required


  • Admission to Hennepin Tech
  • Concurrent enrollment in ARSP 1100, ARSP 1110, and ARSP 1130
  • 78+ on Reading Placement Test or ENGL0921
  • 如果您有任何问题,请与顾问或辅导员联系


该计划的工资和工作前景信息可在 CAREERwise

典型的入门级职位通常竞争激烈,可能需要长时间工作. 想要超越初级职位的候选人必须表现出极大的创造力, motivation and persistence. Well-developed interpersonal skills are a must for success.

Entrepreneurism is alive and well in the audio field. 许多工程师由于胜任自由职业者的工作而获得了永久职位. 还有一些人把他们的自由职业打造成了成功的企业. Jobs exist in music and voice recording, location audio for video, corporate media production and live sound reinforcement. Many musicians/engineers specialize in advertising work, 专门为商业和工业客户作曲和录音. 作为一名录音专家,搬迁可能是你追求职业生涯所必需的!

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