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In the 牙科助理 program, 你将获得知识和技能,成为牙科诊所专业健康团队的重要成员.  You may earn a 牙科助理 文凭 or an 原子吸收光谱法 Degree.  A dental assistant performs many duties at chairside, including assisting the dentist during patient treatment.  The assistant must also be skilled in related office and laboratory procedures, as well as the MN State Board of Dentistry, 扩展功能.

牙科助理 graduates are employed in many areas of dentistry, 包括普通牙科以及儿科牙科等牙科专业, 口腔正畸学, oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics and periodontics, 和更多的.

To begin the 牙科助理 program, 请向学院申请,并查看下面申请流程部分的其他步骤.



上课时间: 一天
学期: Fall and Spring Semester- 布鲁克林公园, Fall Semester only- 伊甸草原
校园: 伊甸草原 and 布鲁克林公园



这一职业所必需的个人素质是与他人良好合作的能力, the desire to be a part of a professional team, 手灵巧度, good communication skills, and the ability to follow direct supervision.

Program Requirements


Students are required to complete the following prior to the first semester:

  • High School 文凭 or GED
  • Tetanus vaccination (TDAP) within the last 10 years
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination (2 vaccinations of a series of 3 must be completed)
  • Mantoux testing required within first two weeks of fall semester courses
  • Dental Immunization Form


  • Completed the EMSV1020 CPR/First Aid course or current CPR. 心肺复苏术必须是美国心脏协会或美国红十字会的劳工统计局,并包含实际操作的部分.
  • COMM1250人际沟通(C级或以上)或COMM1260小组沟通(C级或以上)
  • DNTL1121 Dental Science (C or better grade)
  • ENGL1100写作与研究或ENGL1250短文写作与报告(C或以上成绩)

Important information while in the program:

  • 目前心肺复苏术(CPR)的认证是强制性的,贯穿整个计划, including externships. 为了参加国家认证考试,还需要出示当前CPR认证证明.
  • 明尼苏达州法律要求对任何提供直接接触儿童服务的人员进行背景调查, 病人, 以及明尼苏达州许可的健康或儿童护理机构的居民. Contact the Department of Human 服务 (651-431-2000)带着问题.
  • 怀孕的学生继续注册放射学需要医生或产科医生的书面通知, 扩展功能, and clinical externships.
  • 信息可从Hennepin Tech网站和招生顾问处获得, Hennepin Tech counselors, 以及牙医助理项目的教员说明进入这个行业的风险关于血源性病原体和疾病传播, including needlesticks.


Wage and Job Outlook information for this program are available at 事业方面. 牙科助理s are employed in private and group practices, government public health clinics, 牙科销售, 保险公司, educational facilities, and the armed forces.


Click below to get started!

Are you a current student with a question?

Contact 万仕达 today!

电子邮件: 万仕达@HennepinTech.edu

电话: 952-995-1300


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