Law Enforcement, 和平 Officer and 公共安全

Category: 紧急 and Medical 服务

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Program Description

经明尼苏达州和平官员标准和培训委员会认可, Hennepin Tech的和平官员项目提供了强制性执法课程的学术和技能部分.

From learning Minnesota statutes and the U.S. 宪法, to studying criminal and traffic law, 发展日常执法中使用的许多技能, 您将从具有广泛执法经验的教师那里学习.

Hennepin Technical College is committed to providing peace officer education programs designed to eliminate systemic and structural inequities; developed using community and stakeholder input; and focused on equity-minded, evidenced-based, and data-informed practices. Our programs will deliver, 监控, 评估文化上有能力的和平官员的教育和培训,他们准备伸张正义,以尊严和尊重为所有人民和社区服务.

亨内平技术学院认识到维和人员和其他刑事司法专业人员在保护, 服务, and transforming lives. We exist to build a better future for our students, their families, 我们的毕业生通过消除教育机会和成果方面的系统性和结构性不平等,并提供项目,确保我们的毕业生准备好以坚定的承诺为我们的核心价值观服务.

Core 值 for Our 项目 and Students

  • Cultural competency and responsiveness
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Accountability and integrity
  • Humanity and humility
  • Social and procedural justice
  • Trauma-informed decision-making
  • Service to and input from our communities
  • Advocacy at local, regional, state, and national levels
  • Quality through research and continuous improvement

Program Information


上课时间: Morning, Afternoon, and Evening
学期: Fall or Spring Semester; Summer (practical skills offered)
校园: 和平 Officer & Police Science Center, Brooklyn Park


Skills Required

To enter the program, you will need to possess:

  • a valid driver's license
  • pass a criminal background check
  • 不被州或联邦法律禁止持有枪支
  • 通过心理测试,证明你不会对自己或他人造成伤害
  • 通过身体检查,表明你有足够的体力, 柔韧性和心血管耐力令人满意地完成枪械, 防守战术和巡逻战术包括在该计划的技能部分

Program Requirements

所有亨内平技术学院的学生都必须在技能部分通过体能测试. 根据年龄,将对Concept2 Rower进行60百分位的测试, gender and weight.

Applicants must row 2000 meters, 为了通过体能测试,在测试中得分达到或高于最低60%.


该计划的工资和工作前景信息可在 事业方面. 成功完成该课程后,学生将有资格参加明尼苏达州治安官执照考试. 为了获得州的执法职位,必须完成这项考试, 县, or local agencies.

Ready To Apply?

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电子邮件: 万仕达

电话: 952-995-1300