Cyber Defense Center

It is important to become cyber-aware and protect you, your family, and your business against ever-growing cyber threats. 亨内平科技公司的信息技术和网络防御部门希望帮助教育当地社区了解网络威胁以及如何应对. 请随意使用本页上的资源来了解最新的网络安全金狮贵宾会app,并找到帮助保护您和您的资产的资源.

Hennepin Tech offers an A.A.S. 网络防御学位,由国家安全局(NSA)认证. Feel free to take a closer look a the Cyber Defense AAS degree (60 credits) - offered online or in-person. For more information contact Dr. Ryan Brovold.


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Faculty Information

  • Ryan Brovold, Ph.D., Cyber Defense Program Coordinator
  • Joan Bernard, Division Chair
  • Svetlana Gluhova, Faculty
  • Jerome Covington, Faculty
  • Abdul Daud, Faculty
  • Sam Espana Lopez, Faculty

Advisory Board Information

The Cyber Defense program is guided by an advisory board. The board is a mix of business leaders, students, faculty, and other college leaders and meets semi-annually. Program and curriculum updates are the focus of the board's work. 行业成员分享当前趋势、新技术和招聘实践. Faculty share curriculum updates and student employment readiness. 学院管理部门会分享这个项目的统计数据(比如毕业情况), retention, recruiting goals) as well as overall health of the program. Contact Dr. Brovold for more information about the advisory board.
